Lincoln’s OptiBlend 5 is a 5-year indexed annuity. This annuity is a great option for someone who likes the safety and predictable returns of a fixed annuity but would like greater growth potential. The OptiBlend 5 has a crediting option called a performance trigger. A great crediting method tracking the S&P 500, it will credit interest if during your term the index stays flat or is positive. Over the last 20 years this strategy has credited 81% of the time or roughly 4 out of every 5 years. If you’re new to annuities, looking for some safety form the market, or tired of earning next to nothing at the bank give Dyers Group a call.

Lincoln Financial OptiBlend 5 Product Stats
- Lincoln Financial A.M. Best Rating A+
- Index Annuity -No Fees
- 5 Year Duration
- Flexible Premium
- Minimum Premium $10,000
- Free Withdrawals: 10% Annually – Starting from Year 1
Terminal Illness Waiver: Yes
After the first policy anniversary and subject to the terms of this rider, Owner
may surrender any amount of the accumulation value without a surrender
charge, or MVA, if any. This may occur if the Owner or the Joint Owner is first
diagnosed with a terminal illness after the policy date. A terminal illness is
defined as when a licensed physician has diagnosed the Owner’s or the Joint
Owner’s life expectancy to be twelve (12) months or less. Rider subject to state
Nursing Home Waiver: Yes
After the first policy anniversary and subject to the terms of this rider, owner
may surrender any amount of the accumulation value without a surrender
charge, or MVA, if any. This may occur if the Owner or the Joint Owner is
confined to a nursing home or special nursing unit of a hospital. Confinement
must be for at least 30 consecutive days. The Owner’s or Joint Owner’s
confinement must begin after the first policy anniversary. Rider subject to state